
Student Corner

Passionate Whispers

Written by: Pranjal Khatiwada - 23030, Grade XII

Posted on: 31 January, 2023

During the calm and the quiet of the night, 
Embracing each other subtly tight, 
With nothing, but the sounds of our beating hearts, 
We were lost in our passionate thoughts.

A drop of sweat, so full of passion, 
Falling down my skin, as it happens, 
As we bathe in this sweat of pure desire, 
Where our eyes are locked, lips meet, and our hearts beat in unison.

The lips moving ever so swiftly towards my ear, 
With whispers of passion that provide me with a warm embrace, 
A moment of pure bliss, where nothing else exists, 
But the two of us, lost in a passionate kiss.

Looking at each other, with our hearts feeling that spark, 
With every rhythmic blink of our eyes, we got even close in our hearts.
For we were lost that night, from all the chaos of the outer world-
Yet we were enjoying the bedlam of our fervent thoughts.

The bed sheets all scattered, with the remnants of our love,
Reminding us of the passion we’re made of, 
Scent of our skins exchanged and transferred in those sheets-
Where we basked with passion and joy, with nothing else but us in sight.

A special, special night, with the moon shining so bright, 
Stars and hearts twinkling and beating with relieved thoughts, 
As time was fading, so were we,
Slowly, the whispers brought me that delight,
Reminding me that our souls were attached,
For we found ourselves that night-
Never to leave each other, for we were now eternally intertwined.