
Student Corner

How will I improve?

Written by: Toran Budhathoki - 2021022, Grade X

Posted on: 18 March, 2020

Recently, I’ve not been at my best with my attitude and behavior with my teachers. As I had a meeting with all subject teachers along with my parents. Seeing my parents’ faces full of disappointment whilst they listened about my behavior in class I totally regret not following the school’s rules and disturbing the class’s atmosphere. I just came here in Sifal Secondary School to study hard and for a bright future. But, as I’m not a good student in academics still I ruin the classroom’s atmosphere and I have been disturbing those students who really want to study hard and want a bright future. So, as all the teachers gave me my feedback I realized how badly I was influencing my classmates and how hard was I for the teachers to handle. So, to improve on that I’ve some measures which are as follows:

i) Be attentive in classroom

ii) Don’t ask stupid questions

iii) Don’t laugh unnecessarily in class

iv) When teachers ask something answer politely

v) Take important things seriously

vi) Give more time to studies

vii) Don’t side talk with friends and concentrate in class during lectures

So. as these are the measures that I need to follow in my classroom. I will promise all my teachers that I will be attentive in class and follow all your directions and complete all my work on time. I will not play video games till the SEE exam ends and I will achieve good marks in the SEE exam.