
Student Corner

A Gypsy's Kiss

Written by: Shubhashish Uprety - 24040, Grade XI

Posted on: 26 January, 2023

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Makes me forget the stupid things I may do to stand,
A Gypsy’s Kiss:
When I'm drowning, pushes away the hand.

A Gypsy’s kiss:
Makes me forget about grades,
It makes me take a break from blades,
Instead, it leaves me floating above;
Or perhaps gives me an illusion on what’s left to shove.

A Gypsy’s kiss:
Makes me fond of being alive or so,
It is what makes me oscillate,
For it destroys me from within,
But still can’t live without it’s whim.

A Gypsy’s kiss: 
Looks heavenly,
But casts a shadow upon me,
Digs a deeper pit for me to fall.
The pit looks appealing,
The one which calls you to dive into it;
But once inside, there seems to be no escape,
It leaves one miserable, more confused,
But in the end, one hopes that God is merciful,
For that person is of no use.

A Gypsy’s kiss:
Makes me forget about responsibilities and my future,
It is me and I know that it destroys me,
But it is still me who is blinded by my own will,
’Times I feel misunderstood and question my built image,
But it is the Gypsy’s Kiss that gives me warmth and comfort.

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Makes me want to dance in a field of sunflowers,
Or instead with time,
Prepare an umbilical noose;
Whatever the Gypsy wants, it shall get,
For I am no longer a person, but just it’s mere puppet.

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Persuades me into its core,
For it doesn't know what damage will come to me,
If I fail to score;
Score good marks and score a happy future;
But I find it hopeless to leave the arms of the Gypsy,
For I shall be in misery without it.

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Makes me look like a bum,
It stops me from doing things I need to,
Instead it drives me down a darker path,
The road full of regrets,
The road which will make me hope that god is merciful one day.

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Comforts me when I get into trouble,
It is a Gypsy’s Kiss who hugs me and comforts me ,
For I shalln’t try to seek others help,
It is the kiss that will help me damage myself.

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Listens to me, relates with me and talks with me,
For it is my best friend,
But what I find in reality, the Gypsy’s Kiss is-
A plump fruit that the devil sent.

A Gypsy’s Kiss:
Helps me momentarily fix Myself,
It helps me inhale;
And mend everything myself,
But what is mended won’t heal,
For the Gypsy’s Kiss will return with a bigger knife.

I could let go of the Gypsy’s embrace,
For I am certain it will help ruin myself with my own help,
It’s not too late to let go;
I need the help which I don't really want to seek or so.

The Gypsy’s Kiss:
Is a part of me,
Or rather,
It is myself and me …