
Student Corner

A Person Who Made a Mistake

Written by: Anushree Acharya - 28002, Grade VII

Posted on: 24 January, 2023

Looking out the window, I start remembering those happy times I had with my mom, my dad, and my sister. Remembering those things just started to hurt me more. Those feelings were hard to throw out. Even though I am 27 years old, things from when I was 16 still haunt me like a ghost every night.

I was born to one of the wealthiest parents in almost the entire country. I was the firstborn. While thinking about names for me, they named me Sage (not like the old people but like the flower). When I was 4 years old, I had a little sister. They named her Lily, a flower just like me. My dad was an entrepreneur. So he was mostly out of the house. My mom loved to play bingo with her friends. So every Saturday, she used to go out. At last, I was the one left to take care of my sister. One dark and unfortunate day, when my mom was out, I was taking care of my little sister. My sister was 12. She loved drawing and painting. Our house was like a mansion. It had a lot of stairs in the front yard. While going down, I didn’t see my sister coming behind me, and at that moment, she fell down. Her hand was injured. She was hospitalised. My mom blamed me every single day. My dad and mom started quarrelling a lot, and my sister was in a coma. 

My sister woke up. My sister also blamed me. So once I turned 18, I decided to leave the suffering and leave the house. But due to all the quarrelling and them blaming me, I adopted a disorder. My life changed after that. I had to learn to survive on my own. My disorder grew every day. I had never let a word get out about my disorder either. Slowly, I started getting my life together. I also love painting. I soon started exceeding in the field. Even though my past haunted me, I didn't let it show. But one day it all came crashing down when I found out my own mom tried to kill me as her way of taking revenge. She had sent people to kill me, but in order to survive, I enrolled in karate classes. Knowing what she did, I was heartbroken.

What she did was heartbreaking, so I left that place and didn’t inform anyone where I was. I even changed my name to Sorrel. As I started a new life, I had to start from scratch. Nonetheless, with my talent, I surpassed the top. Still, sometimes, those memories haunt me. But this time, I made it my strength rather than my weakness.