
Student Corner

YouTube and it’s Influence on People

Written by: Bidhan Sen Oli - 24015, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 January, 2023

YouTube is a platform for sharing videos and people’s creativity, ideas, and other creations. YouTube is a wonderful invention. Whether you are a YouTuber or just a viewer, it gives people the opportunity to film their lives or what they actually enjoy and share it with the world. They may create movies about food or exercise, a daily blog, or even humorous challenges to provide people with content to watch when they are bored. Anyone can watch humorous movies or ones that advise them on how to accomplish something, which will help them develop useful life skills. There are billions of users of the app, and every day, billions of users upload videos.
Even businesses may use YouTube to increase their fan base and gain support from thousands of people before they even launch. Being a YouTuber can offer teenagers the self-assurance they need to succeed in the job market, can motivate millions to pursue their passions, and can look good on resumes, which can help them land jobs. Having "YouTuber" on your resume can demonstrate your reliability, self-assurance, and creative talent. While there are obvious and serious risks associated with unrestricted and unsupervised access to YouTube, the website also provides a number of advantages. First and foremost, there are countless hours of enjoyable, age-appropriate, and free content available for kids. Another fantastic source for self-taught skills is YouTube. You may learn how to cook, work out, fix things around the house, craft, dance, and more using the website's countless how-to and educational resources. On YouTube, educational and learning-related content receives 500 million daily views, and one million learning videos are shared every day. The engaging aspect of the educational information available on YouTube is one of its strengths.
I want to also talk about how the majority of the youngsters think about becoming "YouTubers" as a career when they grow up. I'm not saying it's a bad thing; I don't mean to disencourage anyone regarding that, but an unnecessary amount of youngsters think becoming a YouTuber is a very easy and common thing to do. Even though there are millions of successful people who have pursued their full-time jobs as youtubers, I look up to many of them as they are amazing people, and the inspiration they provide doesn't only include me but also millions of others. This instills in the younger generation of kids and teens the belief that anyone can succeed on YouTube, and they are already convinced that they, too, want to pursue future careers as YouTubers. While many people might really have true passion and desire for it and even put up with the hard work that all the other successful creators have put in, it's not true for all of them. especially the very young kids of our generation. They have access to things like the internet and devices from a very young age, and due to this, they already have knowledge about many more modern things than we could ever have at our age. I'm not saying that we ourselves are mature enough to be known as adults, but the difference can definitely be seen in the development gap and the generation gap itself.
Though we're exposed to countless videos, there's no assurance that the information handed out on the channel is true. There's no assurance that the person who's tutoring in the videotape is an expert. It also doesn't ensure that you'll get a grasp on what's conveyed to you through the media. Some things are better learned at the training center than from a YouTube channel. This goes along with learning exercises or yoga. You don't know if the person who's tutoring you is an expert or not in that field. Any misinformation or bad conduct can lead to health issues later. People are spending more time with their eyes fused to screens as YouTube's fashionability grows. Too much screen time negatively impacts your vision. It can cause back pain and neck pain. Though YouTube has created jobs for numerous people, it has also taken away from their effectiveness and productivity. Numerous streaming services similar to Netflix, YouTube, and other types of mobile games, apps, and streaming services have led to a reduction in productivity. There's no supervision of the content that's presented on the YouTube channel. It's causing a negative impact on children as well as teenagers.
Everyone has their own particular opinion about how they perceive YouTube. To some, it's a great place to watch innumerable videos on a variety of subjects and embrace media influence. To others, it's a platform that needs to be supervised and regulated by a centralized authority to maintain it. It's important for people to understand the manner in which media is impacted by YouTube. They should make wise and progressive choices to partake in what they see or learn on YouTube channels. As a result, depending on how people use YouTube, it can have both positive and negative effects on them.