
Student Corner

Is Parental supervision the same as Parental Control?

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade IX

Posted on: 20 January, 2023

Most people in Asia live with their parents, unlike the western continents. And living with parents is not like living alone or with a friend. Parents in Asia usually prefer their children to be in front of themselves at all times and that they should not be out after dusk.

Having Asian parents, I sometimes think that they really try to control everything I do or everything my brother does while sometimes I think it is good if they supervise me. So I needed clarification if Parental Supervision is the same as Parental control.  And those are two different things. Parental control lets parents order their children to do something while parental supervision is when a parent sees and instructs their children while doing something.  Parental Supervision is useless unless a parent has some control over their children. Instructing and seeing what their children do is useless if the children do not do what the parent is instructing.  While excessive parental control is not good for children, parental control is still necessary for parents to guide their children and show them the right path. Signs of excessive parental control are demanding blind obedience, not allowing children to question adults’/parents’ decisions, not letting children make their own decisions, and helping children without being asked. I have sometimes felt as if my parents want everything exactly as they wish and I really do not like it that way. Life can not be as one always desires and one has to understand , be wise and let it be the way it is. Parental control is not a problem only in Asia but all over the world but Asian parents mostly try to gain control over their children.  If there is too much parental control then the children will be affected but excess parental supervision is completely fine as supervising a child is good for the child. Supervising a child would mean making something a child does better. Supervising a child will help the child to perform the task better as well as understand what is better for the child themselves.

So in conclusion I would like to say that parental control and parental supervision are two different things and they impact a child in a whole different way. Parental supervision is something necessary for a child whereas excessive parental control may impact the child in a negative way. Parental supervision is really important for a child’s growth and development but parental control is not really necessary.