
Student Corner

Breaking Barriers: A Working Mother's Journey to Balance in a Traditional Nepalese Household

Written by: Niharika Chapagain - 25006, Grade X

Posted on: 19 January, 2023

As Meera sat at her desk, staring at the clock ticking away, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the expectations on her shoulders. She was a working woman, a wife, a mother, and a daughter-in-law, each role demanding her time and energy in equal measure. But Meera was determined to not let go of her dreams, and she was determined to find a way to balance it all, despite the resistance from her in-laws.

Meera grew up in Nepal, where traditional expectations of women were deeply ingrained in society. She was raised with the understanding that her ultimate goal in life was to get married, have children, and take care of her husband and family. But Meera was different, she had always been ambitious and wanted to make something of herself, be independent.

She worked hard to get good grades and went to college, graduating with a degree in Business Administration. She landed a job at a reputable company and quickly climbed the ranks. She was proud of her accomplishments, but she knew that her journey was far from over.

Meera got married and had children, but the expectations of her role as a wife and a daughter-in-law were overwhelming. Her in-laws were hesitant about her working, and they pressured her to leave her job and focus on her family. They wanted her to fulfill traditional duties as a wife, such as cooking and cleaning for her in-laws and husband. She also felt the societal pressure to conform to the traditional gender roles, to prioritize her husband and children over her own aspirations.

It was a constant battle for Meera, but she was determined to not let go of her dreams. She talked to her husband about her goals and aspirations, and he was supportive of her decision to continue working. But convincing her in-laws was a different story, they were hesitant about her working and couldn't understand why she would want to continue working instead of focusing on her role as a wife and mother.

Meera knew that she had to find a way to make her in-laws understand that her career and her role as a wife and mother could coexist. She showed them that her job provided her with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and that she could still be a good wife and mother while working. She also shared with them how her job also helped financially in supporting the family.

Through several conversations and discussions, Meera's in-laws finally came to understand and accept her decision to continue working. They also realized that Meera's job provided extra financial support and stability for the family. With their support, Meera was able to find a balance that allowed her to excel in her career and still be an attentive wife and mother.

Meera and her husband made a schedule, delegating tasks and responsibilities, making sure everyone was playing their part in keeping the household running smoothly. They also established a clear communication system, where they discussed and planned their schedules, so they were aware of each other's commitments. This helped them to make sure that their children were well taken care of and that the household chores were done even when one of them was away at work.

Meera's determination to achieve balance served as an inspiration to many other women, who were going through similar struggles with their in-laws. She showed them that it is possible to have the support and understanding of your in-laws, and that with determination and effective communication, you can achieve your dreams. Meera's journey also highlighted how societal attitudes and expectations can be obstacles to progress and how it's important for every woman to have agency over her own life, and make choices that will bring her happiness and fulfillment.