
Student Corner

My Opinion On Future World

Written by: Ashish Dahal - 27004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 17 January, 2023

5 billion years ago there was a big bang which created planets. In our solar system there were 9 planets. In those 9 planets the third planet, the earth, is our home. 250 million years ago a protozoa was formed then it transformed in a fist then into a reptile then a mammal. Human history is not that old. Thousands of years ago, humans evolved. They survived and formed a society and then survived a winter. They fought and killed and found new things and made technology and developed, went to wars and developed themselves more and after that long we are here.
The present world is very simple yet very dangerous. Humans have developed so much that the development is turning harmful for us. People are dying because greenhouse gases are making holes in the ozone layer. The harmful rays of the sun are striking people and people are getting harmful diseases like cancer. The ocean which once was clear as a mirror is now a green pile of dead fish.
Looking into the future. The technology has developed a lot in the present time so the problem, future holds could be solved. It is just a matter of time as we are technologically very forward. If the problem is not sorted then there might come a time where people have to abandon their own home planet. 
The world might be taken over by robots or the world may have some new kind of humans, the humans who have some human parts and few of robots which could look very cool or not maybe. Technology should surely be developed so that people would no longer face pain and if this world is really going to be technologically wild  then dead people could also come back to life.
What if we keep living forever in this world?