
Student Corner

Book Review: Think Like a Monk

Written by: Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade IX

Posted on: 12 January, 2023

After reading a lot of books and going through many helpful books this is probably one of the best books that I have read as it is based on real experiences and also helps us and guides us in many ways to find meaning, passion, ambition and aim in our life. There are many self help books to read but ‘Think Like a Monk’ is a must read book.

Think Like a Monk is a self-help book written by Jay Shetty about his experiences in life and the way he used to think before meeting a monk. He also promotes understanding the value of thinking and how it can improve you on a daily basis. Think Like a monk is a self-help book that is extremely helpful and so well coordinated with what ordinary people do in their day-to-day lives that once you read the book you will instantly feel motivated and probably change the way you think of things. Our preferences are very valuable in our life. Without a preference for what you like or what you want there is no prior meaning to life. What you have from the very beginning of your life and to the very end of your death is choice/preference/thought. This book is simply telling you to overcome negative thoughts and habits and access the calm and  purpose  that lie within us. To discover new ways of thinking and to be polite with what you are doing is the key to a happy and a good life.

In my own opinion where I suffer from anxiety and hate the way this society treats people nowadays Jay Shetty has mentioned that if you keep your mind open for thoughts and do not get easily distracted, offended and behave properly then it won't matter to you whether people love you or hate you. Reading this book is a very good choice especially for anyone trying to find meaning to their lives or find a passion and this book is also an example of money can not buy happiness. Think LIke A Monk is a book which tells us to think like a monk and how it has helped Jay himself to improve in his life and it surely will help us too. It is also about overcoming negative thoughts and bringing a positive mindset in your life. This book mentions the value of proper thinking and evaluating things. How do monks think ?

Monks have a proper mindset which us normal people do not have. They gain the mindset by meditating and doing things which are really hard to do. Jay once heard an interview of a monk and he felt that it was better than any millionaire or billionaire giving their opinion on how to make a better life with money. Not everything can be bought with money, not time, not patience and not a bit of respect. Monks live their life hard but bear no hatred towards people because they have an open mind. Monks do not hate the people who hate them because they do not take their sentences seriously and this is what the book is trying to teach us no matter how hard the situation in if you let other people define you on what they know of you or on what they have seen then you will never be able to think like a monk with open and positive mindset.

This is my understanding of this book. Your understanding of this book can be totally different from what my understanding is. I recommend everyone to read this book and try to do the things Jay shetty tells us to do through this book and I am sure that it will help you overcome negative thoughts.