
Student Corner

Just a day in my life

Written by: Aarya Chhetry - 24006, Grade XI

Posted on: 10 January, 2023

Opened my eyes, accompanied by surrounding flies-
The clear sky with bright sunlight, piercing through my dried out sight.
Stones and mud as my mattress and pillow, neighboring with five and below
I get up and go on my daily journey for food, moving from the point where I stood

Wish to hasty walk to fulfill my hunger faster, so that I can rejoice later in laughter
But I have to make work with these frail feet till I find or get something to eat
Walking on the same path from the day I can remember even if it is summer or December
Fearless for getting lost, guided by the corpses of dead, till I reach the town’s gate

Have been walking for quite a while hope the town is only a mile
At the horizon I see the town’s culture, eases me up after being followed by a vulture
Reaching at the outskirts of town I met with the guard who was as I was brown
Seeing my dried up stomach he offered me food which greatly lightened my mood 

Just a loaf of bread feels huge on these skinny hands, in no position to ask for demands
I make my way around the path to where I belong after all the exhaustion I had undergone
Meeting up the others of my age, hearing about their day during our play I finally go to rest
Wishing my eyes won’t open for the next day would be for the best