
Student Corner

Should you buy a pet?

Written by: Anmol Dangol - 26015, Grade IX

Posted on: 10 January, 2023

We usually bring a pet into our lives when we buy it, whether it's a dog, a cat, or even a snake or turtle. It is overwhelming when we bring them into our lives, regardless of the type of pet. Pets have a positive impact on a person's everyday life. Most people consider all the work and time required to own a pet while considering the decision. This belief is accurate because having a pet might be inconvenient for someone's schedule, yet many people prefer to ignore the many advantages of pet ownership. Having a pet may improve one's health while also giving its owner emotional support. Additionally, having a pet has several advantages for both the human and the pet.
If you live with a companion animal, you'll never feel lonely or bored. Pets are a wonderful source of emotional support and can help elevate the brain's levels of happy chemicals. People frequently confide in their pets rather than a real person when they are having a difficult day (although they cannot reply). They may be unique for this reason. Pets have evolved through the years into a person's everyday support system. Pets may provide owners with a sense of security by defending them or aiding the sick. They can be trained to detect seizures in neurologically ill owners. In order to aid their human friends in recovering from an illness, surgery, or even a tragedy, they can even provide physical therapy. An outstanding example of an animal that may serve as a trustworthy support system is a German shepherd. Because of their devotion and intelligence, they are frequently utilized as police dogs. You'll never have to doubt a pet's loyalty if you possess one.
In August 2011, research was conducted to see whether dogs could aid in reading. In the study, 18 second graders were used for the investigation. They were divided into two groups, one of which read aloud to an adult for 30 minutes once a week and the other to a dog. The program was referred to as Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.). They discovered that although children who read to humans suffered a tiny decline in words-per-minute, those who read to dogs reported a slight rise. Have you considered acquiring a pet as a result? Pets may genuinely help you have health advantages that can significantly improve your quality of life. I have a lot of pets, like fish, a dog, and a turtle, and I have to look after them. For my turtle, I have to change a lot of water and stuff like that, and the same goes for the fish. Regardless of being hard work, I would not live life without them.