
Student Corner

Do you think that pupils should stop playing sports if their grades are not high enough?

Written by: Sakshyam Karna - 26013, Grade IX

Posted on: 23 December, 2022

Children love playing games and sometimes they get so much into it that they forget about their other responsibilities. Yes they have to learn to prioritize what is and what is not important. But I think just because someone does not get good grades does not mean that we can take away something they are passionate about.  As everyone is born different and has different skills we should not think that everyone will pursue the same goals. No one can do the same task for long periods of time. We all need variety and just like that the students also need variation they cannot be studying 24/7.  While playing sports they have fun, learn many skills and their body gets the exercise it needs.

Parents take away privileges like going out with friends, electronic devices and going on trips, when the child does not get good grades and that is a good thing as the child learns their lesson and understands that he has to work to get the things he wants. But when a child is in a sports club or team and parents take their child out of it because they think that it will remove the distraction and give them more time for study or just because they want to give their child punishment for their bad grades. It is bad for the child as this teaches them that they can break the commitments they made with the sports club when they joined it, and they will not be able to learn discipline, hard work and what winning or losing feels like as these are the basic things that are taught at the field.

Second, their health will start to degrade as their physical activities will start to decrease and they will have no way to give their body the proper exercise that it needs to function properly and if they are passionate about the sport then they might be able to make a good future with it. Parents have to understand a good future cannot only be made by studying hard and getting a degree. If a child is passionate about something and the parents help the child grow their skills in that thing then the child will be able to make a very bright future from it. And even if the kid is playing it because they want to then sports teaches us things like physical skills, the importance and value of teamwork, to be self confident and that only those who put work into something are rewarded. Yes school grades are important and everyone should aim for high grades as school teaches us most of the important important lessons and many things that we learn will come in handy in the future. However, when their child gets bad grades the parents should try to help the child in the subject they’re good at and not take away their  privileges from doing something that is beneficial for them.