
Student Corner

When Death Passed By Me

Written by: Ashish Dahal - 27004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 14 December, 2022

It was the year 2074. My mom had an accident. She was hit by a taxi. I was a third grader and that incident took place in front of me.

It was a day of winter and it was extremely cold.  I was going towards the shop with my sister and mother. We need to cross the road to go to shop. Me and my sister were crossing the road and our mom was also behind us. Suddenly, there was a sound ahhh!! We looked back and there was blood across the road. My mom was screaming with pain. A taxi had hit her and went across. We called for an ambulance. It arrived in very little time. We had to take her to the hospital. She was harshly injured. She was soon admitted.

As she was admitted for a long time, I needed to go to school as I couldn’t  take leave for many days due to my studies. My father had to stay at the hospital taking care of my mom.  My sister and I were too young. We needed to go to school ourselves as there were no other members in my family. That time the road was  really crowded. We barely managed to cross the road. Everything was going even. It had become our routine for one month to go to school alone without parents.

One day, while returning home, I was crossing the road with my sister. Suddenly a bus hit me from behind. It hit me so hard that it made me rotate. Every other vehicle stopped. A man in the taxi shouted “stop!” seeing towards the bus.The bus that hit me from behind was trying to escape. By listening to that voice that bus stopped.The kind man asked me “Have you got any wounds?” I murmured, “No, I am okay.” My sister started cursing the driver but nonetheless I was okay and  was finely sent home. That didn't stop there. I was striked by my bad luck  time and again.

It was the day of the same week we changed our house. Soon  after two three weeks of it, while I was casually walking on the street, a bike launched toward me with a broken brake hit me from behind and it  ran away .
These days were my bad days where I was close to my death. It cannot be forgotten. It's still in my conscious mind.