
Student Corner

Field Visit to Metropolitan Traffic Police Division

Written by: Aagaman Chapagain - 2021001, Grade X

Posted on: 04 March, 2020

On 25th Kartik,2076 at 10:30 am we headed out from our school to Bhrikutimandap’s traffic police division for educational reasons and we were greeted by some of the respected police officers. Then we were given a brief explanation about what they did and then we were led to their control room where they are connected to the camera of certain areas within Kathmandu, Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur. Then we were led to the educational room where the people who had broken the law have to attend the class where they showed the consequences of breaking the law, later we were sent to a room where we saw a bunch of videos to teach us about the rules and regulations some of them were explained to us and some were shown to us in video which were: *Wear your seatbelt *Always use zebra crossing *Don’t drink and drive *Do not text nor call and drive So after all that we were led to another room with the students from another school and the officers told us about why they do what they do and some of the volunteers to give a speech and they told us about their experiences and told us about the respect we should give to the officers that protect us even in day and night. So after that, we got back on the bus and went to school after learning a lot.