
Student Corner

Drug Abuse

Written by: Sheetal Mulmi - 24036, Grade XI

Posted on: 13 December, 2022

Drug abuse is a societal problem that has destroyed many lives and is slowly spreading in our surrounding society to destroy more. Drugs have negative psychological and physical effects on users. Around the world, young people have been the ones who are mostly impacted by it.
Drugs are not completely bad substances as they are used in many fields of health to cure certain diseases and if used in a proper manner they can save many lives. So in modern times, the easy accessibility of most things has made life comfortable. Yet, like the two sides of the same coin it has also invited many challenges.
One of the problems afflicting most nations of the world is drug abuse. It is a social evil which can destroy the future of a society. It can make it weak and hollow as it gradually and slowly decreases the quality of human resources of a country.
Today, there is an alarming increase of drug abuse among school and college students. Drugs such as cocaine, heroine, LSD, crack, and among the milder ones like marijuana and shrooms are taken for their energizing and relaxing qualities as they help the user to escape the harsh reality that they are probably facing; nevertheless, sometimes drugs are even taken for the purpose of fun and enjoyment. But not realizing that this misadventure can mislead them to addiction- a trap from which it is difficult to get out.
Initially, these drugs may give you kicks but ultimately become a threat to the addict’s life. Addiction to drugs of any kind even to some extent, alcohol or pain killers, tranquillizers develop suicidal tendencies, affecting a person’s mind, moods, emotions and feelings. They are also responsible for human violence, aggression and crime. When a person is addicted to drugs, s/he slowly loses focus on her/his goal. A person needs drugs to  constantly keep her/himself away from the pain. Being addicted to drugs may also mean financial loss as this habit comes with a high price. A person will lose everything in his life but will not be able to free her/himself from drugs if he lacks the will to.
A person can become pathetic because of the influence of drugs; s/he might be unable to control her/his thoughts and actions. Physical and mental harm caused to them is irreparable, as breaking this habit requires a lot of determination, courage and patience. The process of coming out of it is extremely painful as it involves frequent pain. Addicts cannot function as normal members of the society; they neglect and abuse their families who also are traumatized. Not only this, it is one of the causes for encouraging crime.
This menace of drugs can be avoided by educating children at home and in schools about drugs. They need to be made aware of the ill effects of drugs so that they can make the right  decisions to avoid this problem. It is common knowledge that very often young children get into this habit because of the influence of their friends and the desire to become a part of the so-called fashionable, liberal and modern society. Thus, the youth society has to be told to make the right choices which falls down to the responsibilities of parents and schools to lay a strong foundation of moral character and discipline.