
Student Corner

Let’s Talk About Phobias

Written by: Kabya Oli - 29014, Grade VI

Posted on: 08 December, 2022

‘Phobias’ we might think, are just fears of something or situations. However, these things are just called specific phobias. Phobias are the most extreme, unreasonable irrational type of fear. 
Normally we just have to cope with our fears but we go to extreme lengths and measures to avoid something if we have a phobia of it. Some examples of phobias are Alcktoraphobia and the fear of chicken. Triskaidekaphobia is a fear of the number thirteen. There is also a phobia called Phobophobia, it's a phobia of having a phobia. While fears usually don’t affect your social life. Phobias do.

There are actually 3 types of phobias. 
Specific phobia- The meaning of specific phobia is to be scared of things or situations. This is the most common type of phobia, often people are confused by phobia and specific phobia. This can include fear of animals. Fear of the natural environment, fear of blood and needles, etc.

Agoraphobia- Agora means public places. Therefore agoraphobia means fear of public places. People who suffer from this phobia try to be in their homes. They feel safer that way. They avoid going to malls, movies, restaurants etc.

Social phobia- Social phobia is the phobia of social interactions, although agoraphobia and social might seem similar they are two different types of phobias.

What is the cause of phobia? Well, a phobia can be caused by a traumatizing event or more likely if a family member had it. But if it's non-of of those points it's unknown why people have phobias about it. Phobias are very serious and if we have them we should get treated immediately if it is possible.