
Student Corner

I Never Wanted To Become A Hero

Written by: Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, Grade VIII

Posted on: 06 December, 2022

No one asked if I wanted to be chosen as the main character, the hero in my book, I was just, well, chosen. I used to wonder if I would try to stop fate, change my destiny if I knew what struggles I would endure as the hero , and after the recent disappearances of my aunt and uncle who raised me when my parents couldn't, my best friend who I had by my side since childhood and finally now my partner who was always there for me, I think it's safe to say I would definitely change my life if I could, in fact I'd like to change the whole world, but that's not my job, it's not what I was assigned. As a hero my job wasn't to change the cruel ways of the world, it was to save it from possible doom like super villains and ginormous asteroids , but what I've come to realize is the only thing truly hurting this world we have, is ourselves.

Just think of all the pollution, the trash, and the litter. Think of how the world could have been a bit better if people didn't just dump their garbage on the ground wherever. No one seems to understand in our world though, they think that if they have a hero who can stop amateur villains then that's all they need, all they do is say thank you and move on with their disgusting lives, thinking that they have no use so they just continue to hurt the environment. You might think my loving aunt and uncle died of some evil villain, you might think that happened to my best friend as well, but then you'd be wrong, my friend died of smoke inhalation, due to forest fires caused by dumb people and my aunt and uncle? They died of air pollution and PM2.5 (fine particles in outdoor air pollution) getting in their lungs. I planned to announce it all to the slobs in my next interview but my plans were disturbed as I was about to walk in. "Don't tell them" someone whispered stopping me from stepping on to the stage, "they'll realize it for themselves sooner or later, and if they don't, well that's a problem they'll have to face on their own" but I'm the hero I thought I couldn't just do that to my people, could I? " When have they ever really appreciated you?" The voice rasped in my ear. I chose to ignore it, if only I knew what that would lead to.

I stepped on to the stage and heard excited chattering from the crowd below, I smiled and went to the podium where the mic was placed for me to speak into. "Greetings everyone, I would like to tell you all about a villain that may soon hurt us all," there were a few short gasps and confused murmurs among the crowd, I decided to continue and to wrap it up quickly I went straight into the point, a bad move personally on my behalf. " The villain I am talking about is you, and you, and you" I pointed towards the crowd of people and continued on with my speech not fully realizing what discomfort I had just placed within the people staring at me as I talked about how they're hurting our planet and if they don't stop soon, that there's nothing I could do to fix it. After I finished explaining I left the stage without answering any further questions and went back home peacefully only to find out that the NEWS had covered what I said in the interview, only they twisted my words into something rather displeasing , they accused me of not knowing what I'm talking about and hating my follower which I had never explicitly said at all. Soon I wasn't known as the hero anymore, I became an outcast among many of the people in the world and in the end , I enjoyed it, afterall I never wanted to become a hero. No one asked if I wanted to be chosen as the main character, the hero in my book, I was just, well, chosen.