
Student Corner

Kids should not be forced to eat the foods they do not like !

Written by: Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade IX

Posted on: 05 December, 2022

Children are known to be naughty and playful. No matter how naughty their behavior is, everyone loves them. Every parent wants the best for their child. So, they do many things for them like providing them the very best of things, providing them with good education, all the luxuries and many more. Most parents are obsessive and possessive over their child. Even regarding a child's health, parents are concerned and worried. So, they force their child to eat foods they don’t like.

Mainly parents force their child to eat vegetables  As kids absolutely hate vegetables they deny eating it at any cost. But parents being parents they forcefully make their child eat those foods which is wrong. Parents should stop forcing kids to eat the foods they don’t like. Instead of forcing them to eat they should try to convince them and if the kid still does not want to eat the food then they should leave it. Although parents can keep offering their child the food, they should never compel them. Forcing kids to eat food they don’t like may negatively affect them. Forcing makes them think that they would never ever eat the food again. Parents should give some time for their child to think about the food. They should let them try the food once, if they like the food they would eat it but if they do not they would not eat it. And parents should respect their decision. Also forcing your child to eat when they are not hungry is wrong. Parents should be understanding. Forcing their child to eat if they have not eaten for the whole day is fine but forcing your child to eat when they are refusing is awry. Forcing kids to eat should depend on their age. Infants and toddlers should be forced to eat as they do not know whether they are full or not and also they do not know anything about foods. Teenagers should not be forced as they know what they are eating and how they are eating. Parents should know about their kids' preferences. If a kid does not like the dish their parents made for them then they should not force them to eat it. For example, some like boiled eggs and some like omelets. If your child likes boiled eggs then you should make them a boiled egg and not force them to eat an omelet. If you want your child to eat the food you made you should try making it in a different way. If you made some fried rice and your kid does not like it you should try making it by adding eggs and other seasonings. This may increase the interest of the child to eat the rice. Parents should try playing with food and make it interesting. As said, this would make the child eat the food. No parents should ever force their child to eat. Later kids may naturally eat foods themselves.

In conclusion, forcing children to eat food they don’t like results in developing trauma. They may suffer from eating disorders and might end up hating foods.