
Student Corner

Sports Week

Written by: Eva Adhikari - 2028013, Grade III

Posted on: 02 March, 2020

First Day-

Today was the first day of the sports week. I was so happy and excited. Our ma’am took our photos because we got appreciation cards on that day. After clicking photos we all gathered on the ground to participate in sports.

The first game was a musical chair. Class 1,2,3 were participating in the game. I had so much fun. The second game was bursting the balloon. My friend Nivi won this game. I also burst some balloons. The third game was a 100 meter race. I also took part. Sauravi won the 100 meter race. This way we finished day one.

Second Day-

Today was the second day of sports week. I was so excited. We all went to our playground. The first game was flour and chocolate. I was so happy, I won this race. It was so much fun. The second game was a mathematical race. There were problems to solve. It was also a lot of fun. I won that race too. I was so happy to win two games. The third game was the sack race. My friend won the race.

Third Day-

I was so excited. We all gathered on the playground. The first game was an obstacle race. Sauravi became first and I became second. It was so much fun. The second game was a spoon and marble race. It was also so much fun. My friend won. At last, we all danced a lot. Like that, our day ended.

Fourth Day-

It was the last day of sports week 2076. It was also so exciting. We all gathered on the playground

The first game was Hot Potato. It was so much fun. My friend Anshu won this game. The second game was the Zig Zag race. The Yellow House won. It was also so much fun.