
Student Corner

The Happy Girl

Written by: Shreevani Dhungel - 29044, Grade VI

Posted on: 02 December, 2022

April 9th, 1940,
Hi! I am Maya. Today is my 13th birthday. It is a blessing that I get to celebrate my birthday, there are so many people who don't get a chance to even have fun. So, I am grateful for what I have. God gave me a true blessing. My parents are going to take me to church today, to thank god. Today my parents gave me an amazing camera so I am recording this right now. Today was also supposed to be my twin sister Dianne's birthday but the military took her.

My family is from Germany and we are Jews! My sister wasn't careful so she had a painful death because she got beaten up right in front of us but thanked god we were hiding and we all managed to live. But then I am very devastated, still, I'd promised my sister that I would stay happy forever and I am keeping the promise. I wish a miracle would happen, but then miracles aren't true. This world we are living in right now isn't true, this world's just war and all.”

These all she confides in her camera, let's call it a video diary. These words broke her heart. Her poor sister's death still doesn't kill her inside. She has everything we need right now, Happiness. These days not many of us have a joyful image. Well that's it I hope you all learned something from this short story.