
Student Corner

My Experience on DSS Fest

Written by: Simple Shrestha - 24043, Grade XI

Posted on: 01 December, 2022

It was the very first time for me being at some fest; I had never been to one before. We prepared for this event, days before the final day. All the seniors and teachers were working hard for the fest to be perfect and it was indeed a perfect and successful one. Most of the students were given a particular task to do; and I was one of them too. My friends and I stayed after school the day before the fest, helping seniors to decorate the school. We had to come early the next day; I was a little late and when I arrived, everyone was working, helping each other; students and teachers all together. We decorated the stalls and kept balloons, and they looked very pretty. We also kept stalls for food and games; we just had to wait for our props to arrive which did not take much time to arrive and everyone was soon busy in their respective stalls. My friend and I were assigned in one of the many stalls: Hit The Canvas, which in my opinion was one of the hardest games to play and win prizes. 
The fest started with people singing and welcoming people. Soon the whole school was crowded with people. There were people playing in different stalls. People came to our stall too but sadly very few could win the prizes, which were keyrings and bubbles. Seniors and juniors danced which I was looking forward to and it was very fun to cheer for them. From my grade too, one of my friends danced which we all were very excited about. We all cheered for him and it was truly a very fun time with all of my friends. People sang too which was magical and very beautiful to listen to. My brother and my sister also came for the fest. They walked around, played games, ate momos and panipuri. They were enjoying it and said that it was fun being there. Around 3 in the afternoon, we closed the stalls and went to eat. The crowd was increasing in the momo and panipuri stalls. It was hard getting food but it was fun being in line making new friends and talking to them. We bought tickets for bingo which was 100 rupees per person. When we had already finished eating, it was time for us to go for the bingo. Me and my friends all had our respective bingo tickets and the game started. We had a cash prize too for the winner and we were very determined to win. One by one people won the prizes; I was expecting to win at least one of the categories as it was divided into 5 of them and alas! I won none of them which was very sad but I was very close to winning though. Nevertheless, we all had a lot of fun being around there with friends, parents and teachers. I had a great time spending and bonding with my seniors: singing, dancing and enjoying the moment. It was tiring but I had a great time and it was so worth coming and enjoying the fest: I hope every year we get to enjoy such events…