
Student Corner

My View On War

Written by: Aarav B.C - 25001, Grade X

Posted on: 30 November, 2022

There are many wars that have happened, wars that are still happening, soldiers who fought in battles and soldiers who are still fighting. Wars bring death and violence in our society. War is not something we can be proud of. Many wars have been fought throughout our history including World War I and World War II, the deadliest wars ever fought in human history. Hundreds and thousands of innocent lives were lost for such a mere thing as ‘politics and power’. This suggests that our society is heading in the wrong direction.

Of course wars have changed overtime. Years ago people fought wars with swords, spears and hammer, after that society slowly started developing and guns were invented, now nuclear rockets and bombs have been invented. It seems as our society develops, the weapons get more powerful and stronger and the hunger for power grows even stronger. Should gaining such a mere thing as political power be our goal in life? I believe it should be more than just that. Wars seem natural. Even millions of years ago wars were fought, animals too fight. This is just the way we are. We are different, animals are different, we have different views and opinions and these things make us human. But that does not mean that we should choose violence. We have many other options than violence.

Even in the present context, the Ukraine and Russia war, Israel and Palestine conflict are still taking place. People are willing to kill and get killed over political control or authority over a piece of land. Why has power blinded people from humanity? Why is the hunger for power increasing? For me the answers to these questions are still a big mystery.

I am very amused and shocked when I hear about politicians like Adolf Hitler who have killed so many people, innocent people for political power and authority. When Nazis rose to power they killed so many innocent Jews that the total population of Jews at the time was about 1% of Germany’s total population. Why have people been so blind? Why don’t people have such a basic thing as humanity? Why do these people have no sympathy? Why are they not scared of wars? I have so many questions but still no answers.

We humans are known to be the most superior creatures on earth but these actions humans do makes me question this fact. War should never be an option. Now the society has become more powerful than ever and I speculate if there were to be another World War, earth would not be in the state of sustaining life. Millions and millions of innocent lives would be lost for nothing. I hate wars and everyone should too. Violence should never be our option. We should speak calmly, discuss problems, use our conscience and if we do that we would never have to use violence. If we don’t end war, war will end us and that is a fact.