
Student Corner


Written by: Shreebisha Shrestha - 23040, Grade XII

Posted on: 28 November, 2022

Have you ever heard of a country where there is no nighttime occurrence? There is a country with no darkness. What if we lived in a world where it never gets dark, even when it's already nighttime? At first, it may sound very interesting, because you would have more time to do the things you want; but gradually, you would start cherishing all the darkness. The place where it is bright 24/7 during the summer season is considered to be the "Land of Fire and Ice." It is one of the few spots on the planet where homosapiens have settled. It is also one of the few places where you may see the incredible "Northern Lights"; so which country do you think it is?

Yes, you are correct if you have guessed, it is Iceland. Iceland’s location on earth brings no night during the summer season. Even after the sun sets, it never gets dark: imagine being able to go to late night parties during the day! Sounds amazing, right? But as we experience this 24/7 daylight, people realized an important lesson that goes way beyond: they realized, that we actually need darkness.

Darkness is more than just a reminder that the day has come to an end. It also serves as a reminder to stay at home and spend time with our loved ones. It tells our bodies that it is time for us to take some rest. Darkness is also everything else in our life that we don't realize how much we should be valuing it until it is gone. We do not appreciate many things in our daily life because we don't value them; and people just like us aren’t too grateful for so many things in our lives. But when the night is gone, and, more crucially, when the people we love are gone, we start realizing and understanding how much we needed them and how much we loved them. But then it becomes too late. Similarly, we need a little darkness in our lives too.

I myself had a great wake-up call when my grandparents were in a really bad state in the hospital. My Grandpa, who I've known my entire life, disappeared in a jiffy… Ever since then, I have never taken his existence for granted. And so, may the story of Iceland remind you that too often we take things and people for granted. As you lie in your bed, preparing to fall asleep, close your eyes for a moment and think of all the things and people you may be taking for granted, including the darkness of night itself…