
Student Corner

Contemporary Technology and Artificial Technology

Written by: Ayan Basnet - 25019, Grade X

Posted on: 28 November, 2022

Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes which is not possible to avoid in your daily life. The term contemporary means either happening at the same time or happening now. And, contemporary technology refers to all forms of transactions relating to commercial activities including both organizations and individuals that are based upon the processing and transmission of digitized data, including text sound and visual images. The modern world of technology has got so much development that everything can be done more efficiently, effectively, and quickly. Some examples of them are the 5G network which provides super fast internet connection, automatic A. I. self- driving cars, and reusable satellite launchers.

The latest technology changed a lot from what we saw in the past years or the past century. New gadgets and machines are invented to make the jobs easier like never before. From the ordinary horse carriages to the fastest cars in the world like Bugattis. From this example, we can see how things got more automated than being manual over the years.

Contemporary technology is the advancement of the old technology with new additions and modifications. For example, is it possible for people in this age to live with only a wired telephone and be able to answer every call? No. We are not always living with a telephone by side. If we have to go outside of our house, we are not able to carry a telephone. So, as an advancement in technology the mobile phone which can be taken with us anywhere and anytime is the best example of contemporary technology. Any machine or device we see around us is the product of contemporary technology. Some of the examples of the contemporary technologies are laptops, smartphones, smart watches, Digital currencies, speakers, etc.

Another is A. I. (Artificial Intelligence). A. I. is the part of contemporary technology that is the most vast and contributing to today's technological world. Artificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that gives emphasis to the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. A. I. is also known as the stimulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, feel, and act like a human. Google Assistant or Siri with whom you talk is also an example. A. I. is one of the smartest, innovative and useful technological inventions ever made.

Harry Pott Follow Senior Software Developer. “Contemporary Technology.” Share and Discover Knowledge on SlideShare, slideshare.net/harryeeee/contemporary-technology#:~:text=It%20refers%20to%20all%20forms,text%20sound%20and%20visual%20images.
Burns, Ed, et al. “What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Definition, Benefits and Use Cases.” SearchEnterpriseAI, TechTarget, 23 Feb. 2022, https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/definition/AI-Artificial-Intelligence.