
Student Corner

Should the Government limit the number of children in a family?

Written by: Anuska Yadav - 26003, Grade IX

Posted on: 25 November, 2022

There is a lot of population growth in many of the countries today. There is a large population distribution in different countries, with some having very few people and others having a large number of people. There are countries in the world that are very populated with people, like India and China, and other countries that are rarely populated. I believe that the countries that are having a lot of children should take steps to charge a tax on the number of children in a family.

There are a number of problems that are apparent when there are so many people. Poverty, unemployment, crime, and illiteracy are problems that are seen in large populations. Every country has a finite number of resources, and as the population grows, it may lead to the resources becoming exhausted. Sometimes, it is necessary for a government to take hard action to control the population. One way a government could limit access to public services or impose high taxes could be by limiting the number of children a person can have. If someone has more than the approved number of children, they may not be able to get some of the things they want or may have to pay a higher price for things.

I think it is important for a country's population to be balanced and proportional to its resources and area. Government can impose rules to control the population by taxing the individuals who contribute to increasing the population.