
Student Corner

An unexpected yet the best friendship...

Written by: Sunabi Pokharel - 25018, Grade X

Posted on: 24 November, 2022

If you had asked me three years ago whether I would be friends with my current best friend, my answer would have straight up been a huge no. But right now, she is my biggest partner in crime and the bestest friend I could have ever asked for. Nothing compares to the bond I share with her. A few years back, we both despised each other so much to the point that we started to hate each other. Tons of jealousy, backbiting, and acting fake all the time. There were no chances of us becoming friends let alone being best friends.

When the lockdown started due to the pandemic and we started studying online, I was really glad as I did not have to face her every day. As we were in two different sections, there was no chance of us meeting each other even during online classes. Nearly a year had passed without her and me communicating. The only time when we interacted without any jealousy or hate was in the final term of 8th grade. We started playing and talking with each other. That was the time when we started bonding a little bit. The major thing that led me and her to become the bestest of friends was the time when school was off for 5 days because of pollution. During those 5 days, we spent more than 9 hours on video calls and talked about random stuff for hours. We didn’t get bored of each other. School again opened, 8th grade ended, and again online classes for grade 9 started. This time sections weren’t divided. I was really glad to be in the same section as her, and I started enjoying her company a lot. Every day after the class had ended, she and I used to stay on call until midnight. I still do remember getting scolded by my parents for talking with her the whole day. After school had begun, we started hanging out together and making loads of memories. From sharing secrets to sharing food, we enjoyed the time with each other. We had sleepovers at each other’s house and bonded with each other’s families as well. We also tried various new foods that we had never eaten before and went to visit many places together. We stayed up until midnight cooking pizza from scratch and watching movies.

She has been with me through thick and thin and has always been there when I have to vent out or share anything. She has cried for me, laughed with me, and stood up for me. In between, I lost many friends and gained new ones but she will always be the friend with whom I have enjoyed my time the most. For me, she is not just a best friend, she is a sister whom I never had. A partner in crime, a twin, and most importantly the one who has always been there for me. I hope that our friendship will never die and we will remain best buddies forever.