
Student Corner

Two Major Predictions about the end of Human Existence by Stephen Hawking

Written by: Bipan Sajwal - 24016, Grade XI

Posted on: 23 November, 2022

Stephen Hawking is a great Theoretical Physicist and Cosmologist of all times. He was born on the 8th of January, 1942, in Oxford, England. He graduated in 1962, and joined Trinity Hall, Cambridge for PhD in Cosmology. He was a member of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge in 1968. He discovered the second law of Black Hole dynamics and he proposed the four laws of Black Hole mechanics. He was awarded the Dannie Heineman Prize, the Maxwell Prize, etc. He was even appointed as a professor in gravitational physics in 1977 and he received the Albert Einstein Medal and an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford.  
We all know that Stephen Hawking is a great scientist; he made some very dangerous predictions about the end of the existence of human civilization on earth. According to him, humans will be responsible for the end of the existence of human civilization from the earth because humans themselves are trying to make human civilization more advanced.

Two of his main and very dangerous predictions about the end of the human civilization are as follows:

Alien Contact:
The multiverse is a term that scientists use to describe the idea that beyond the observable universe, other universes may exist as well. According to the research of Stephen Hawking, we are not the only ones who exist in the multiverse. There are lots of galaxies in the universe where the possibility of life exists. There are many more civilizations in the multiverse with which we haven’t been able to communicate yet. Those that live in other galaxies or on other planets are known  as Aliens in our language. Nowadays many space research centers are sending signals to space in order to find Aliens and use their new technologies to make our technologies more advanced. We are thinking in a positive way but, what if they are really more advanced than us and at the same time very aggressive? What if they really don't want to make good relations with humans? They could attack on earth; they could try to dominate humans like we dominate other living beings on the earth. They could destroy the earth or clearly they could even want to remove  the existence of human civilizations from earth. So, in my opinion, we shouldn’t send signals to the aliens. This, as a result, may lead to the end of the human civilization from earth…

Nuclear war:

Nuclear war refers to the war among countries with the help of nuclear weapons. According to Stephen Hawking, if humans really want to prevail with their existence on earth then we should destroy and stop making nuclear weapons because in contemporary society, we mostly hear news about the conflict between two countries and their war updates. Sometimes, a small war also tries to cause massive destruction. We can take the example of WORLD WAR II (WW II). In the Second World War, two atom bombs were launched by America on two beautiful states of Japan, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It is believed that the radiation of the atom bombs are still found in the newborns who still happen to have some kind of disability due to it. Nowadays, science has developed even mor: nuclear weapons are also updated with more destructive power. Most of the countries in the world produce nuclear weapons which are very dangerous for the existence of human life. So we shouldn’t promote nuclear war and must stop making nuclear weapons; we have more advanced weapons these days to cause even more harm than what happened in the past. It is believed that the nuclear weapons  of the contemporary period are 3333 times more powerful than what they were before; so, we should think about it and must be careful about producing nuclear weapons.