
Student Corner

Are Heroes or Villains More Interesting?

Written by: Aayusi Shrestha - 26002, Grade IX

Posted on: 23 November, 2022

I have to say that villains are far more interesting than heroes. In fact, many people agree that villains have more interesting characteristics than most heroes do. We've all experienced some depressing and dark times in our lives. The difference is that we dealt with those dark experiences and moved on, whereas the villains were so deeply affected that they simply didn't want to go back to their old ways. I used to love superheroes and despise villains as a child, but as I grew older, I began to love and understand villains more.

Most heroes share the same goal: to save the world. Heroes' characters and motives are boring, and they only win because of plot armor. Villains, in my opinion, are more mature and realistic. I'm sick of the golden, all-around good guy hero trope. How can anyone be that perfect? Villains have a reason for being evil, and it's much more interesting to watch the decisions they make as a result. They're also not completely unrealistic. Technically, in most of the movies we watch, we can see that something caused the villains to become evil. They either had traumatic experiences or wanted revenge. We can not really blame them because, to be honest, we would perhaps do the same thing.

People prefer villains to heroes because they are more unpredictable. If it were a hero, the hero would be expected to do the right thing. Heroes are supposed to be friendly and helpful. But villains can choose what they want to be warm and caring about and what they want to be evil and cruel about. In some cases, the villains are unexpected and do things that we do not expect, which increases our interest in their character. Villains fascinate me, possibly because they are relatable and not the type of perfectionist that everyone admires.

People who like heroes are generally optimistic, but let's face it, the world isn't exactly great. We must accept that villains are more interesting than heroes, even if the villain is extremely cruel or cold-hearted they can still be pretty interesting. I am confident that the majority of us would enjoy watching a film in which the main character is a villain. That would be interesting because a lot of movies we watch are from the perspective of the hero, so we can't really judge a character. Let's take an example of an anime called ‘One piece’ the main character Luffy is a pirate and is a villain in the world he is in but he has done better works and saved more people than the government did. So how can we consider him a bad guy? We can not just because the world portrays him like that. Also let me remind you that not all villains are “bad guys”. Another example is of a character named Shigaraki from my hero academia. His character had depth even if was a villain. His character was way more interesting than the main character ‘Deku’.

Don't take it personally. We adore villains and prefer them to heroes. That's all there is to it. We don't approve of abusive relationships or prefer jerks just because we like their character. Those who are fans of heroes, let me remind you that they are not particularly 'good.' Even if they did something good, they have also done a lot of bad things, so we can't really blame just the villains. Even the cruelest character can be well written, and the majority of the villains are well written and fascinating. We can't just say that heroes are better than villains just because they are perfectionists who save the world, can we?