
Student Corner

Dream About Wrong Path

Written by: Smriti Lama - 25015, Grade X

Posted on: 22 November, 2022

The two girls studying in grade 10 were best friends. They have been friends since they were born . They do not call themselves besties but they say that they’re sisters from different mothers. One of the girl’s names is Aashika and another’s name is Purnima. They both live in the same village named Bhotechaur. They are so close to each other that they are studying in the same school and also planned to study in the same college after their SEE. Their family also knows each other and are very close. Their house is also near each other’s house.  Their parents trust the other one more than their daughter.

Both of the girls are preparing for their exams and it was all going well in their life. They used to say that they both will go to the same college to study together. Their parents also agreed to both of them. They are from middle class families so their parents are working very hard to earn money for their children’s education. Their parents know that it’s their dream to go to the city and study for their further education. The girls also worked very hard to make their Academics better and get scholarships. And as the time passes, their exam’s over and waiting for their results. They both gets  A+ and both the families are also satisfied with their results. Now the time has come for their further studies. They have already given an online entrance exam in a good college. Their parents are a little sad that they are going far from the village but also happy for their children’s future. They both start packing their stuff and are very excited to go to the city for the first time. They are so happy because their dream is going to come true. And like this, they arrive in Kathmandu and start searching for the rent. Until then they are staying at the hotel. After 2 days, they find a flat which is suitable for them and start living there together. They have college from tomorrow and they are excited for it. As they promised their parents about studying well and getting better marks, they are doing the same. They made new friends and some of their friends are even the daughters of owners. They all started to live together in the same flat sharing their rooms. One day their new friends ask them to go outside and hangout together. They decided to go clubbing. Both of the girls are unknown about these things. Their friends request them to and finally they also agree to go with them. They went there and danced in a group and met new friends. The girls were all drunk except the two of them. They were handling other girls and it was hard for them. But they really had fun there.

Like this, they started to go clubbing every month and every week. The girls from the village are also becoming like other girls and they are not aware of those things. Slowly their studies are going down and the communication between them and their family is also getting rare. Whenever they are fresh and in a good state of mind, they think of their family but when it’s time for night they can’t stop themselves from going to clubs and spending their money on drinks. But after their first semester results, they realize their mistakes. They start regretting going to clubs and bars. And from that day they promised each other not to go clubbing. But instead they will go for a hike, picnic etc in their vacation.