
Student Corner

Effects on Economy due to Climate Change

Written by: Pratyush Sapkota - 24028, Grade XI

Posted on: 16 November, 2022

Climate change is the change in the weather and temperature and it is one of the major problems now in the modern world. The people and the planet are struggling from the effects of climate change. Many of the plants and organisms in the earth are facing difficulties in surviving. Due to this behavior of nature, the economy is being affected. The world is experiencing more rainfall in certain spots and less in others. From the irregular rainfall, the temperature of places can vary. The production of raw materials is difficult due to these factors. This is why the agricultural sector is facing a lot of difficulty all around the world. The production of the raw materials and the item itself is more expensive because the farmers that produce the raw materials have a hard time producing the raw materials due to the effects of climate change. Since climate change can bring in heavier rainfall than expected, natural disasters like flood, landslide, glaciers landslide etc are fairly common.

Natural disasters can affect the economy greatly due to loss of property, loss of human resource, loss of livestock etc. People's health can also be affected by climate change if not careful. This can cause many diseases and make human’s life difficult. For example the places where there has been really heavy rainfall, people can have various water borne diseases and where there has not been enough rainfall people can experience impure water resulting in many diseases. This can directly affect the limited human resources that are available in those places. Most of the income in Nepal is being generated from tourism. The national tourism is dependent mostly on the weather of our country. In the tourism sector, Nepal normally welcomes around two hundred thousand to six hundred thousand tourists. The tourists are here for the natural beauty and due to climate change the natural beauty is being deteriorated. This can greatly impact the economy of our country. There are many ways to control climate change. The most commonly known way to control climate change is controlling the greenhouse effect seen on the earth. This can be done by using renewable sources of energy. This is proven to help in the reduction of greenhouse gasses. Climate controlled environment chambers are used by the modern agricultural sector experts to help minimize the effects seen on agriculture. This can be a great solution but they are quite expensive. Nowadays the climate is being more and more impactful on our lives due to our living habits. Many people now have gasoline powered cars as a luxury. However this can be both harmful for the environment  and the economy because of import taxes. Natural vegetation is one of the most important assets of human life. 90% of the world is dependent on natural vegetation directly or indirectly. Hence controlling the natural vegetation according to how it was meant to be can help the humans greatly and the economy as well.

Therefore these are the reasons and the possible solutions of climate change affecting the economy.