
Student Corner

When will this waiting end?

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 November, 2022

Today, I woke up to my mom screaming at me to get up and get dressed. I hesitantly woke up. My eyes were still not ready to fully open. My body did not want to leave the comfort of my bed. I went to the bathroom. Stared at myself for 10 minutes in the mirror and zoned out. Until my mom again screamed at me knocking at the bathroom door to hurry up. I hurriedly washed up and went to eat breakfast. I almost had the same breakfast every morning. A bowl of milk with biscuits. I didn’t like tea or coffee so I always drank milk. Then I went to get dressed. My mom had already picked out the outfit I was going to wear. It was a white dress with flower designs and a white headband paired with the white sandals I had bought the other day. My mom rubbed some sunscreen on my face. I looked at my dream diary. The first page had my information. My name, age: 7 and year: 2014. I was about to write about the dream I had last night but my mom snatched my diary and put it on the bed side table. She held my hand and walked me to the bus stop.

On the way to the bus stop, I felt really pretty in my white dress, white headband and my new sandals. I also had a pearl necklace on and a bracelet.

We finally reached the bus stop. Even though we weren’t really looking for a bus. We were looking to ride a blue micro. We were heading over to my relatives for my baby cousin’s rice feeding. My mom always used to take me wherever she went. So, my father couldn’t scream at her since she took me with her.

When we reached the bus stop, there was no place for us to sit. All the seats were packed. I looked up at my mom, she was looking left and right getting ready to wave her hand at a blue micro and stop the vehicle so we could get on it.

I was leaning against a pole, tired from standing. After 5 minutes had passed, finally we saw a blue micro in the distance. As it came closer, we both had disappointment in our faces. The blue micro was so packed even the conductor was struggling to hang onto the vehicle. Yet the conductor was inviting us into the vehicle saying there was space for us. My mom waved her hand, telling the conductor to move on. And that we will not be going on that vehicle.

That was a relief. We waited for another blue micro. It was around 7:30 in the morning. We waited for another 10 minutes. I was getting tired of waiting. I asked my mother how much longer we had to wait. She asked me to just be quiet and have patience. The thoughts that ran into my mind when she said that was, “What does she mean? Does she think I’m not patient? Am I not patient? When will this stupid blue micro arrive? When will this wait end?”.

As we were waiting at that bus stop, we both had the same thing, the same regret on our minds. It was, “We should have gone in that packed blue micro even though we had to squeeze in with at least 20 people”. The blue micro is not that big.

Another 10 minutes go by. But the blue micro just does not arrive. At that moment I just wanted to return home. Our home was not that far from the bus stop. I was really tired from standing. I started imagining the blue micro finally arriving and me and my mom getting into that blue micro and going to my cousin’s and eating yummy food there.

I started getting frustrated when another 10 minutes went by. I asked my mom if we could just get into a taxi. She replied saying a taxi is too expensive. But I kept asking my mom to just get a taxi. But she kept ignoring me. I was now hungry and tired and frustrated. I was also really mad at all the blue micros in the world at the time. I saw every single vehicle except a blue micro.

After a while, I saw a mini car go by that looked like a toy. Looking at that car made me really angry. I thought to myself, “I can see buses, taxis, other cars, and even this vehicle that looks like a toy but I can’t see a damn blue micro!”. There was a small stand near us. It was selling roti and eggs. I started salivating the second I saw that man make that roti with egg. My stomach started rumbling. I started screaming at my mother, frustrated that I was really hungry. At the time, all that was going on in my head was, “WHEN IS THIS DAMN STUPID MICRO GOING TO ARRIVE? ARE ALL THE BLUE MICROS IN THE WORLD ON REPAIR RIGHT NOW?”. I started cursing at all the blue micro’s in the world.

Finally in the distance came a small vehicle which was blue in color and it didn’t look that full. This time even I raised my hand with my mother waving at the blue micro to stop. And after an hour of waiting, we finally rode that blue micro to go to my cousin’s home. At the time I felt as relieved as winning a running race.