
Student Corner

My Life After Lockdown

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade IX

Posted on: 10 November, 2022

A catastrophe occurred in 2019, the coronavirus. Due to the corona virus spreading rapidly many countries started lockdowns, and my country did the same. Schools and workplaces were closed and people started to stay at home.  Life became hellish. We couldn’t get out of our houses but staying inside had almost gotten the best of us. Later, schools had started online classes. I was in my room all day, in front of the screen looking at the teachers and books. The one thing I hated the most about being online was that I just couldn’t enjoy myself reading books as much as I used to physically. It felt as if the good times of life were just sucked away to the depths of the ocean where we couldn’t reach.

But finally, the lockdown ended after 2 years. After two years of hellish experience I finally got to get out.  I started going out everyday, at least for an hour. I couldn’t play as I used to back when the lockdown had not started. And at long last, schools reopened. On the first day I was really excited, as if it was the first time I was ever going to school. School seemed like heaven. Interacting with all those people made me feel like finally things have gotten better.

But even in the best places, there are flaws and this one had some too. The first one was that masks were still necessary. Masks suffocated people and when it was a scorching hot day masks would be covered with sweat. 
Afterwards, I realized that I could not write much after lockdown. Even though I gradually improved my handwriting after lockdown I could write no longer than 5 minutes continuously. So, doing homeworks was tough. But the best part of being outside overwhelmed the hardships, interacting with people. And that year I learned that maybe sometimes you like the ones that you usually did not value much about more than others. That year, our English teacher officially resigned. And later I found that I just had good memories of him. Even though he was one of the most strict teachers that had taught us he was still the one who let us lose the most.  And surprisingly, I was the one who annoyed him the most in the four years that he taught our class. I usually did not do his homeworks and he scolded me quite a lot. But after he left, whenever I thought about him, I only felt like those were good memories. 
After the lockdown, I got back to my old hobby. Playing Table Tennis. Even though I still can't play just as well as I used to back when lockdown had not started, it still felt good. When the lockdown was still there I used to go up to my terrace at about 6 pm. And did different things like making paper planes and skipping. But the thing I am happy I did in lockdown is that I learned to play guitar.  To sum it up, life outside is way better than life inside a house. It would be as if a frog is watching the sky from inside the well.