
Student Corner

Sex Education: A Necessity For Teens

Written by: Jiya Sapkota - 25003, Grade X

Posted on: 09 November, 2022

Sex education is simply an education acquired to get knowledge about things related to sex, human sexuality, age of consent, reproductive rights and organs, emotional, physical and sexual relation and many more. Children have been getting Sex education in the form of their course material mostly from the age of 12 and above. The larger age group getting sex education in the form of course are teenagers. Sex education is a necessity for teenagers especially for the teenagers of this modern era.

Sex education not only teaches us about safe sex behaviours, about adoloscent period and many more, it also warns us about different types of problems that might get created in early life. Sex education includes human sexuality which teaches us to know more about ourselves and our body as well. Providing sex education might as well help people open up about their questions and personal problems. sex education not only decreases the unplanned pregnancy, it also helps to reduce the amount of sexually transmitting diseases like STI, Chlamydia, HIV/AIDS and many more. Having sex education as something less important and not mandatory would instead bring a lot of problems.

If we are focusing on teens, we should definitely be positive over the fact that teenagers grow curious over time and tend to try out different things. So in this scenario let's imagine an unplanned teenage pregnancy, a female teen is pregnant at the age of 14 and they are completely unaware of various things. In this case, there is a very less chance that they will get support from their parents. But if, they were given sex ed then most definitely they would get contraceptives beforehand or just would know ways and methods to terminate the pregnancy.

People hardly know about whats going on with their body, like for example; menstruation cycle, body after an abortion and many more. Usually, even some people with uterus do not know various things and facts about their body during the monthly cycle and if we are talking about people without uterus then well, most don't either. What sex education does is create atleast a little idea or a general concept about things that happens to ourselves and of the opposite sex too.

Teens usually tend to hide away their confusions and questions, which is why providing sex education can help them open up and be clear with their feelings as well. Well sex education includes about LGBTQ+ rights, information and things related to it. It opens up a door for inclusion as well. It helps us know about our personal feelings and space and helps us open up to people. For example; a person is confused about their sexual orientation. They go through various rounds of LGBTQ+ related sex ed and finally they are able find themselves and come out as a queer.

Teens of this era are highly unaware of safe-sex and usually due to unsafe sex methods, they end up having various diseases, various dysbalance in their body, unplanned pregnancy and many more. Sex education; heals your confusion, heals your sexuality crisis, gives you ideas about various sex related things, shows you alternatives about different things, warns about your bodily changes, notifies you about different contraceptive devices and methods, etc. Which is why sex education is a need, a necessity.