
Student Corner

A Short Visit

Written by: Krish Tamang - 2021020, Grade X

Posted on: 23 February, 2020

On February 3rd, 2020, we were taken to a short visit to the display of antique items on our school grounds. The display was set the day before, for a program called the “A Day for Preschoolers” in which the preschoolers of other schools visited our school. In this display, we saw many antique items that were put on display. The items like gagri, old swords , khukuris, musical instruments, a model of temples, utensils, yanka, ornaments, oil lamp, Sankha, tat chulesi, Lusi, etc. The thing that caught my eye was the Gramophone. It was very well preserved.  Talcha, Masiya, Dau, karuwa, Aari, Thyanga , Hawan kund, etc were to put in the display. Musical instruments like a Tinchu, Yalamber Baja, Pianika, etc were put in the display. Old weapons were also put in the display. I also saw a typewriter and hardwares of the computer.  I recognized some of these items and some of the items were new to me. I witnessed them for the first time. The visit was very informative. I also got some knowledge on how these items were used and for what purpose.