
Student Corner

The Outside World

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade X

Posted on: 07 November, 2022

“Mama I don't want this, I want the expensive one”. David was shouting at his mom Ramisha. David was an extremely spoiled boy. He was the son of a very renowned businessperson. Since his childhood he got everything he wanted. His parents loved him the most and catered to all his needs. He always used to show off in front of his friends but he never let anyone else touch them. Even if anyone did, he used to be angry and rude. He grew up and his demands were getting more and more expensive. If his parents wouldn't buy that he would be angry with them and throw a tantrum. David academics was not good and it was going down day by day. He was a bully at school.

His parents warned him not to be so uptight, but he never listened. They told him that everything would not be the same as always. But he never listened to them. Suddenly they got bankrupt and everything they had respect and reputation went away overnight. His father was working day and night to come back to a nice situation. But on the other hand instead of helping his father David had now started gambling. His parents were totally unaware of it. Everyday some money was being lost from the locker. HIs father got suspicious and he found out that David was the thief and he would spend it all in gambling. Due to his behavior his father was upset and scolded him. His father told him that he would never know the pain and hardship behind the success since he had only seen the money that his parents have earned, not the pain. David was not shaken by his words, instead he shouted at his parents. He blamed them for everything. His mother was crying very hard and trying to make him realize what he did was wrong. But he didn't listen to her and left. Later that night, David bought a ticket to Qatar and announced that from that day he was leaving the house and would never come back. His parents were sad but did not show their emotions because they wanted their son to visit real life and see how hard it was. The moment he left the house and stepped into the world he then realized how hard the actual life was.

Life is not an easy trial. He didn't find a proper job so he had to work in a cement factory. His life was hell because the people didn't treat him well as he was just an intern. He had to sleep in hard beds and had to cook food himself. David remembered his mother and cried. After working he realized how hard it had been for his father to get all the fame and riches. In the factory even if he did something wrong the other big officers used to scold him. He used to cry day and night remembering his family. After 2 years he finally got a chance to go to his home for the new year. When he went there he saw his parents sitting in the living room. He ran towards him and cried. He was sorry for his awful behaviour. He told them how he realized their love, support and hard work. They spent their new year together after a long time. David's father stopped him from going back and offered him a job in his own company. The beautiful family lived happily ever after. David was not the same as before he had become a more responsible and good person.