
Student Corner

Animal Testing Should be Banned

Written by: Aarambha Aryal - 24003, Grade XI

Posted on: 04 November, 2022

The use of animals to study the advancement of diseases is known as “Animal Testing”. This practice is becoming more and more common as time moves on. In my opinion, animal testing should be abolished completely and should be illegal. Animals are forced to intake harmful chemicals and become victims of different surgeries. They are also deprived of food and water and are given wounds to understand the healing procedure. They also have different wires implanted in their brains. They have to undergo different torture methods. After doing these procedures, they are dumped into the streets without any hesitation. There are different other alternatives methods that can substitute animal testing like tests done in human cell or tissues. In the current time, animal testing is just a cruel way of doing things. We should also take into consideration that animals are different from us humans which also makes the testing unethical. The medicines, drugs that pass animal testing cannot be 100% safe. I would also like to mention that there is huge demand for products that aren’t animal tested. Animals are also poor test subjects and they can’t be trusted in long term effects of medicines. If animal testing is done in an incorrect manner, different diseases and viruses can take place leading to an epidemic and pandemic.
While animal testing can have some pros like contributing to the cure of dreadful diseases, ensuring the safety of vaccines etc. It should be highly discouraged. Doctors and scientists should find methods of cure that do not involve testing in animals. Also, if animals are tested for the cure of every new disease or virus that comes around, there won’t be any race in the world except humans. Every animal species will be extinct. Just because we are the most superior and intelligent beings of the world doesn’t mean we can violate the lives of animals.  Medical progressions that have been achieved via animal testing could also be achieved without harming animals and making them as test subjects. We should understand that animals are also living beings and they have lives that they need to live. The success of animal testing is not equivalent to human safety. We do not have the rights to harm them or treat them as slaves or make them lab subjects. Animals cannot communicate with us human beings, with that being said, it is not ethical for human beings to torture and perform tests on them. We can discourage animal testing by educating people about the harms of it and through donation. Animal testing is an inhuman activity and should be prohibited in every nook and corner of the world.