
Student Corner

When I Shouldered the Major Responsibility

Written by: Aarav BC - 25001, Grade X

Posted on: 03 November, 2022

When my mom and dad went abroad I was the sole responsible person in the house. The only people in my house left were me, my little brother, my grandmother and my uncle (My father’s brother). You might wonder, why am I responsible regardless of my uncle’s presence? Mainly because my grandmother is senile to look after us and my uncle would not be at home most of the time. So I had to mainly take care of my brother and my grandma. Well, at first I thought it would be really easy, I could just take it easy and just be a little more responsible. But I could not be more wrong. Right after my mom and dad left I could not bear the pressure. What a hectic job it was. Rest assured my parents are already home right now. I wished I would never have to bear this much pressure and responsibility on me, which is impossible if I want to do something in my life. Getting back to the topic, the responsibility I had was just pressurizing plus there was school. I mean this is nothing compared to the responsibilities of my parents which I do understand but for a teenager like me who had never bore such responsibilities it was extremely difficult  and also a special moment in my life.

I had to wake up early (6:00 A.M) which was already too tiring and also I had to dress my brother, get him ready for school, prepare and eat breakfast, get ready for my school, complete any assignments if any left and go about my day. After that I spent 8 hours in school, came home running, picked my brother up from his bus stop, ate snacks, did my homework, helped my brother with his homework, helped grandma in the kitchen, ate dinner, completed my homework then slept. This basically was my routine for the whole day and everyday for 1 month.

My parents were enjoying their vacation whereas I was burdened with pressure. I am an SEE student with less than 7 months for final examinations and no one can understand the pressure the school gives, with extra activities at school and pressure at home. If I knew I would have to face these problems I would never ever have let my mom and dad go abroad. But on the flip side I am very happy and thankful to my parents for going abroad because I got to learn so much from this once in a lifetime experience. And also I am very thankful to them for trusting me with so much responsibility in their absence. I think I did a good job considering it was my first time with so much work and responsibility resting upon my shoulders. Regardless I would never want to bear such pressure and responsibility at such a young age. I feel like if my classes were off or if school did not give much pressure then I would have done a much better job. I think where I missed to fulfill my responsibilities was not helping my grandma much in the kitchen. I did always help my grandma with something in the kitchen but I should have helped more. This experience will also teach me to manage my work better in the near future.