
Student Corner

Brush Strokes By The Sunset - Part 2

Written by: Yureka Adhikari - 29049, Grade VI

Posted on: 03 November, 2022

I had seen Pearl cry and break but when I saw her I almost broke down with her too. I somehow controlled myself and had the courage to say “Don’t worry, she’s living through you now. I’m sure she never wanted to see you SO hurt. Come here pearl. You’ll forever have us and Phoebe. My dear YOU are everything for your sister. Everytime the sun hits your eyes they turn into the favorite pearl of Phoebe. You!” As she cried we hugged. I couldn’t bear her tears. So I took her sister’s diary and flipped it to the page of the day Pearl was born and showed it to Pearl. Then I flipped to the last page and did the same. “See she made the same sunset and on the last page they’re your favorite colors too. She meant for you to finish HER legacy.” I took out a canvas and found some paints as I signaled her to get ready to go and paint Phoebe's legacy.” We went to the top of the hill closest to Pearl’s cottage.

Once we reached the top of the hill we painted. At the end teary-eyed Pearl looked at me, a smile on her face and as she muttered the words “not me Phoebe, you!” I replied, “Did you forget my NAME? You know I’m not phoebe. I’m Rayna. Not your sister, your FRIEND!” She only had these words to say, “I know you Phoebe. You're becoming Rayna to fill the void in my heart you left.” I broke down in tears. She was calling me her sister. As I talked to her on the way home. I really did realize. Phoebe came to take me to Pearl to heal her.

It’s been years since I talked to Pearl but I know Pearl received another Phoebe somewhere. I know Pearl isn’t alone. I know someday I might be just like Phoebe. I know that someday I might need a Phoebe too. And I also know that Phoebe will come to me at the right time.

Tears rolled down her face as she realized what she had done. They all blamed, no SHAMED her for what she did. But what else could she do, she had no choice. You see, for all these years she was treated as not worthy of life. Forever, she was bullied for one thing I repeat ONE THING. One thing she resented everytime she looked in the mirror. No one ever came to her and said “I believe in you, don’t listen to them! You’re much more than what they’ve pointed out. Your brown eyes remind me of the earth, everything that makes us well, us. You’re beautiful long eyelashes (though from your tears) curl up and hug your eyes the same way you deserve to be hugged.