
Student Corner


Written by: Samriddha Raj Satyal - 24063, Grade XI

Posted on: 02 November, 2022

"I'll do it tomorrow." Everyone has linked this phrase with themselves sometimes or maybe most of the time. Has this been a habit of human beings? Let’s explore in the following essay.
Procrastination, this has been a very common and a widely established habit of people. Procrastination is the action of delaying any tasks or not giving it much importance at that time by focusing on some other actions. Does this habit come along with birth? We all know that time is the most valuable and precious thing in the 21st era and one mustn't waste their time by procrastinating their works, I believe. As already written, we all have this human characteristic of procrastinating things in some ways and it is okay because we're humans but this thing is bad and dangerous when it happens oftenly and mostly every time or when it becomes a habit whenever we're assigned with tasks and now that's bad. Usually, slothful people develop this habit faster but it is not true everytime. Even teenagers develop this habit due to which consequences are faced up by them in so many points throughout their lives.
But how does one make procrastination their habit? Usually when people are over-bounded within luxury and comfort zones and are indulged so much with it, people start being careless and irresponsible which, let's say, is a symptom of procrastination. Slowly people start procrastinating things and it becomes a habit. But as mentioned above, teenagers too develop this habit and we must know the reason behind this. What I believe is that loads and loads of assignments and works cannot be handled by the teenagers and this leads them to procrastinating things. Slowly, they find it easier to delay their work and they develop this habit later. Now some might even say that though countries like the US and Canada do not give so much stress to teenagers but they still have the habit of procrastination. Now I will request such people to re-read this essay where there comes the topic of luxury and how it makes us procrastinate.
How dangerous is procrastination? Procrastination is very harmful for our brain and it affects our thinking ability. We tend to think about something and we quickly forget about it. This has been researched and proved too. Not only does it affect our mental health but also our physical health. As already clarified, lazy people mostly have this habit and it makes the people so lazy and obese which has a great impact in our physical health too.
Can we avoid procrastination? Yes of course, and it actually isn't that hard(says the one who procrastinates so much) but I am trying and let me share some of my tips to avoid procrastination. We must plan things accordingly and must learn the value of time. Also, we must not indulge too much in luxury as it makes us blunt. We must prioritize our work and work according to our plans. Through such ways, I believe that one can avoid procrastinating things.