
Student Corner


Written by: Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade IX

Posted on: 02 November, 2022

We live in the 21st century and in today's modern world most of the work is done through the help of technology. Even the smallest of smallest works we are reliable towards technology that is why the people of the 21st century are way lazier and never do their work on their own as the people of the past did. So what would happen if technology hadn’t existed? First of all if there was no technology it would be impossible to survive because without technology there cannot be development. Nowadays even if people are neighbors they chat to each other using smart devices but if it did not exist then there would be no other option than to go and talk to other people face to face. Technology has really helped us to improve a lot of things in our life like transferring information by just a click from your cell phone or computer but if there was no technology we would need to deliver that same information by going to where the other person is and give it to them. All the games that we enjoy playing and spend our money on  would simply not exist because there is no technology. Without technology our life would be stressful and different. While there are some bad aspects of technology we would not be able to get the good aspects of it. Technology has made our life way easier and faster. No technology means no social media and no pollution as air pollution, sound pollution and other all types of pollution mostly happen due to technology and no social media means we become more self dependent. Technology is just a medium created by humans to make their life easy and to do work for them and we all rely on others to make new technologies to make our life even easier but what would happen if the people of the past also did the same? Waiting for someone to make progress? We would not be able to live the life that we live now.  If there was no technology then we would not be searching for every single thing on the internet as we do now. Now you are able to listen to songs on your phone through various apps and websites but if technology didn't exist there would be no apps and no websites, not even phones. All your favorite shows that you watch regularly would not have existed if there was no technology. We are so dependent on technology without even knowing what it really is and how to use it properly. So if technology didn't exist we would simply be living under a rock without any facilities. A world without technology now is like a person without clothes; it is just not complete. To be honest if technology didn't exist we would not be as advanced as we are now.