
Student Corner

Abuse of Ecosystem is Humanity’s Doom

Written by: Phoebe Shrestha - 26016, Grade IX

Posted on: 31 October, 2022

Natural resources are the most important blessing that humans have received and they are the most crucial  aspects of human survival. Human’s geography and their environmental history have relied on the key of the ecological system. Ecological concepts have histories and geographics. Without natural resources, survival of humankind is unimaginable. However, that doesn't stop the fact that people are misusing the resources due to which the non renewable resources are on the verge of extinction.
There are various kinds of human activities that affect the ecosystem like: Overpopulation and Overconsumption, Plastic production, Destruction of reefs etc. Humans have been greedy to fulfill their needs and destroy all nature. Just to get their goals. Discriminating animals are also resources for human survivals. They discriminate against animals for their use and get credit for it. Deforestation has been a simple issue for everyone. Humanity is doomed because of the abuse of the ecosystem. Changes like climate change, soil erosion, pollution, poor air quality and undrinkable water are the main reasons where nature is being destroyed. Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials. Just like overuse of vehicles, fire burn etc are the cause of air pollution. Air pollution consists of any harmful chemicals or dirt particles in the air that can harm the health of any living being. If humans will not stop doing this then in the future not only humans but it will have a mass effect on all living creatures. Humans cut forest for developmental reasons. Just example India, where they were going to cut forests for residential purposes. Around 250 trees were axed following which thousands of villagers started to protest. Animals are also part of the ecosystem or an emerging and exciting conversation of roles for dogs as their growing use. Animals play an essential role in formation and management of ecosystems.They act as consumers, the vital part of community dynamics. Including wild animals , they are known as the most important support for the web of activity in a functioning ecosystem. And also, if resources are more than enough, they are mistreating it and because of that rest other humans will have to suffer and  the resource starts finishing. If this doesn’t stop then we have entered the first stage of human doom.
As mentioned already, natural resources are crucial for human existence, however it is clear that humans failed to understand this and are abusing natural resources every single day. This will ultimately result in their demise. As the rising generation of their society we must start to understand the alternate methods and make the people aware about the scarcity of resources and the energy crisis being the new global agenda. We can see some examples of price hikes in petroleum products. And many more yet to follow. So, if the dominance of humans over resources doesn’t stop anytime soon, then the easy and efficient way of human survival over the next century is impossible.