
Student Corner

The Withered Rose

Written by: Kristina Rai - 27006, Grade VIII

Posted on: 20 October, 2022

Colorless with the shade of Gray
She was happy, yet she broke
Endless graves scattered throughout her way
Her voice trembled as she spoke

She adds a tear escaping her eye
Her tears be cold and white as dove
Although,all falling through the cloudy sky
Remembering his last touch emplinted with love

His hilarity laughter and blarney talks
Disappearing now they all were gone
Wondered if ever would she hear it all 
But who was left for her herself alone

The acceptance hurt her more
Then all her sins would have 
With the glimpse of every shade of gray he wore
Leaving behind those impressions as nothing would have

‘Dear’ was a reference to her
And “love” was the one for him
Everything around them was magical together
And the brutal secrets were nothing ever as it seemed.

It was that fateful day
He gave her the pure thornless rose
When all she ever hoped for him was to stay 
But were all those signs, for his loss?

The whole cathedral was draped in blue roses
All symbolizing the love for him 
A love that no one was able to foresee
All creating their wildest fantasies,and live them

And there he was alone where no one could see
She just wished to sit beside him and lean
As a two locks unlocked with a single key
He was only The King and she The Queen.