
Student Corner

Stuti’s Turquoise T-Shirt

Written by: Aadhya Shri Poudel - 30001, Grade V

Posted on: 19 October, 2022

Once in Naya Sadak at Bir Hospital on Monday, 6th Poush, 2063 B.S., a girl named Stuti was born into a rich family. She was born with blue and green eyes from her father and blond hair from her mother. After she was born, she never cried and was happy all the time, as the maid was always by her side. The maid would know when to change the diaper. The maid knew her favourite foods, colors, toys, and many other things because she was the only one who was to be around her all the time with love and care. The parents were unaware of her; they were just like an outsider as they were unable to give her time and were busy with their work.
A great surprise was waiting for her birthday from the maid. Now, Stuti was older and it was Poush 6th, 2071 BS, her birthday, her parents organised a grand feast for her. Many people were invited. Her relatives and friends gave her many expensive gifts, and her parents gave her the latest Ipad, and her maid gave her a turquoise T-shirt with a mermaid tail on it, which she loved more than her Ipad and the other gifts because it was related to her and her childhood.
Moral of the story:
1. Money doesn't buy happiness.
2. All expensive things are not important.