
Student Corner

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 October, 2022

Words cannot express the importance of friendship in our lives. Friendship can help ease loneliness and despair. In this day and age, we tend to fall into loneliness and despair easily. This is the reason why many of us suffer from depression and anxiety. Research shows that friendship helps overcome these negative emotions. A true friendship inspires us to grow and chase our dreams. A lot of us have friends but not all of them are friends in need. Out of all our friends, hardly any are friends in need. Usually, friends make fun of each other instead of helping one reach their goal. A true friend will help us overcome our difficulties and fears by helping or giving advice. However, only a few are entitled with true friends. Having a true friend is like a blessing and it should be cherished. A true friend besides telling positive things will point out our mistakes and shortcomings with the intention of helping us in the long run. They will always be a supporter of our goals and will always believe and have faith in us. Unlike friends who discourage us, a true friend will never deter and discourage us from our goals. A true friend will never backstab us. If we earn a true friend in life, we earn the most valuable thing. In order to get a true friend, we must be loyal to everyone and help support everyone in times of need. Such acts of kindness and respect will not only give us a true friend but also make us a better person. We cannot expect our friends to help us unless we help them. Friendship is a relationship and it cannot grow without mutual understanding. Having a true friend is essential in this modern day and age where everything is hectic. A true friend is someone whom we can share all our secrets and expect not to get the secrets revealed. Usually true friends are polite and soft-spoken but we should not take advantage of that. Life is tough sometimes and having a friend to share it with is a relief. A true friend does not necessarily have to be a friend from school/college or work, it can also be someone from our own family like our brother, sister, mother, father, etc. A true friend is a trustworthy, supportive and a humble person. The phrase, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ tells us about the qualities we look for in a good friend. Most true friends or “real friends” offer genuine help during times of trouble or difficult times. Those who have such friends are fortunate to have them. In conclusion, we cannot be a true friend with someone who is not a true friend. A true friend eliminates the feeling of emptiness or loneliness during difficult times.