
Student Corner

Story : Cyber crime

Written by: Rudrayani Shrestha - 30025, Grade V

Posted on: 14 October, 2022

Teacher: So students, today I am going to tell you a story about cyber crime.

A girl once lived there. Her name was Riya. Riya studied in Grade 5. She liked to make new friends on Facebook and her TikTok account. 
So, she got a "friend request" from a stranger on Facebook. Without thinking, she accepted the stranger's friend request. Stranger considered himself to be a seventh-grader.
Soon they started chatting. It was fun to talk with him. He sent her funny videos. She always watched and liked them. Her second-term exam was near. So, her mother scolded her for not reading for the exam. She told the stranger about that and even told him that she would stop chatting to him. After some days, when she was about to read, she got the message from the stranger: he sent an improper video. From that day on, every time the stranger started sending her improper videos. It happened every time, so she got distracted and irritated. 
One day, she decided to talk to her class teacher. Her teacher taught her how to "unfriend" the stranger. Teacher also told her about many cases of cyber crime. So, Riya went home and unfriended him. So, that's how she saved herself from the crime.

Many innocent people have been faced by cybercrime. The Internet is a huge part of our lives today. The growth of the internet has led to cyber crime too. We should not share our password with strangers and  if you face such problems, always talk to your seniors.

(Source:Social book)