
Student Corner


Written by: Deepti Neupane - 23019, Grade XII

Posted on: 11 October, 2022

Politics is at the center in every country, and it depends on the country how it can progress with the help of its political activities. The politics of our country has many drawbacks. The politicians stick to the post and promise the voters to give them the services that they need as their basic needs. But after winning and getting their position, they just forget whatever they had shared with the voters and later deceive from their promise. So we all should be able to use our rights to vote for the one who is honest with his/her words.

Politics is a hugely important domain in the world and it has an impact on functioning government and the country.Politics has effect on all types of government including democratic, autocratic , theocratic and many more. Politics is part of the government. There are a lot of movies that describe politics and we people love to watch and we can get a lot of ideas about how the politics works and how they treat their voters and many more. So we can see that so many things are teaching us about how the government of the country is and how they bribe people for the post they want to be in.

Politics in our country is also similar to other countries but is not able to uplift the country. The tax and money they get from the government is not properly used because there is politics in that case too. If the government had used the tax in a proper way then our country would be on top today and we would not be called a poor country. We all must try to help our country uplift and make sure that we would have a better place to live. If politicians use their power for the betterment of the country then it would be very great and we would be able to have proper rules and regulations. Till now if there were very great politician in the country then we would be able to find out the rape cases or any kind of cases that are still not been able to solve.

Every country must have good politics for a good living standard and an amazing life. We would be able to make sure that not only other countries but our country can also have uplift and it would be maintained properly.