
Student Corner


Written by: Aashutosh Shrestha - 23004, Grade XII

Posted on: 10 October, 2022

When you say multiverse, the first thing we think about is a parallel dimension. It is said that a parallel dimension is a hypothetical self-contained place of existence, co-existing with one’s own and the sum of all potential parallel dimensions that constitute reality is often called a multiverse. There is a possibility that parallel dimension does exist and there is nothing that can deny parallel dimension. If parallel dimensions exist, then there are many questions that can be asked. What is it parallel to? Is it parallel to the whole universe or is it parallel to only our planet or our solar system or galaxy? Next thing to think about is, if there are parallel dimensions then will that dimension be very identical to ours or exactly opposite than ours or exactly the same as ours? Can there be another person looking exactly like you in another dimension thinking like you, process like you. We never know. If there is another you in another dimension I would definitely want to talk to him but as the name says parallel dimensions are parallel to each other and will inter-cross each other or collide until external force or ways are applied whose example can be a wormhole. Wormhole is also a hypothetical thing which we don't know if it exists or not. Even though Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts the existence of wormholes, none have been discovered yet. A negative mass of a wormhole might be spotted by the way its gravity affects light that passes by. So, not intentionally but unintentionally someone or something may trigger a wormhole and parallel dimensions may be connected which will establish inter-dimensional activities like unwillingly traveling to another dimension. That would be creepy. What if you are traveling through airlines and when you land you get to a place you have never heard of and no one knows about the place you came from and no one has ever heard of it. That would be creepy. Some years ago, the same kind of incident was showing up on the internet.

This incident happened during 1956 A.D in Tokyo airport, when everything was going normal, a man came with a very odd looking passport and the immigration officer noticed the passport. He checks his passport and everything seems legit except he says that he came from the country known as Taured. It seems that he has traveled to many countries before and has even come to Tokyo many times. But no one has ever heard of the country called Taured. The immigration officer was confused and called the head in charge. The head pulled out a map and asked the mysterious man to point out where his country is. The man pointed between Spain and France. But the country between France and Spain is known as Andorra. The man gets confused after hearing that and keeps saying that he is from Taured and pulls out a paper in which he claims was the details of the hotel he had reserved. But the hotel denied when asked about the reservation. The mysterious man also said he had a business meeting with a certain company. They again called the company to check and they also denied the business meeting. It was too much to process together for the mysterious man and everyone was confused. At last the man was detained in a nearby hotel and some guards were kept to avoid letting him escape if something like that happened. In the middle of night, everything was going well, the guards were guarding his room and eventually there was no sound coming out from the room. The guards became skeptical and went to check inside. The man disappeared.

He was nowhere to be found and there was no place to escape from. The guards checked for his belongings and documents. Everything was missing. The mysterious man disappeared into thin air without any clues. IT was like he came from another dimension willingly or unwillingly and he went back to his own or another one. No one knows. There are more accidents like that where some person acts weird. You can search it up on the internet. This can be what we can call traveling through parallel dimensions. Which can give us a hint about parallel dimensions. Though it is still not sure, in the near future there might be or it is already sure. But the information is not public yet. We never know.