
Student Corner

Teenage Pressures

Written by: Prasanna Dhungel - 28021, Grade VII

Posted on: 10 October, 2022

People generally disregard their mental health while maintaining their physical fitness, but balancing them can lead to having a healthy and fit life. Mental pressure can be caused by your brain having to process multiple things simultaneously. Several teenagers who have similar feelings are complaining about mental stress nowadays. Students can experience mental stress in a variety of ways, including through high expectations from parents in exams and tests, as well as a mountain of homework from school. Mental pressure will cause more stress than usual and make your mind go blank. Mental pressure may lead to many dangerous mental diseases. Sometimes, due to extreme mental pressure, teenagers get involved in drug abuse and other kinds of harmful things. A prevalent reason for teenagers to have bad mental health is because of their parents. Mental health is a very serious issue in the 21st century, especially as many students are facing and complaining about the same problem. Students are forced to do homework they get from school, and, on top of that, their parents expect excellent results from them in exams, which adds up to a lot of pressure in total. Teens are becoming depressed as a result of the amount of pressure they face on a daily basis. There’s an old saying, "Children are the future of tomorrow," but how will the future improve when children are now going through the phase of depression, and some have even attempted suicide?
So for a better tomorrow, children’s mental health should not be neglected.