
Student Corner

My Best Friend

Written by: Krituka Sapkota - 25005, Grade X

Posted on: 09 September, 2022

My life was a typical teenager’s life. Basically having fun with friends and studying. I even had a really good and loving family of three, me, my mom, and my dad. Because of work, my dad had to travel a lot and that’s why my mom and I were best friends. We talked about everything with each other, every small detail. I was one weird person lost in their own world but somehow got blessed with amazing family and friends. My friends always gossiped about them liking boys or girls but I never liked anyone or was interested in any of the gossip. My friends always teased me with someone’s name but I always was indifferent. I never cared about it. I sometimes liked someone but was never crazy as how my friends were for their crush. I always thought I would never get a bf or I will never have any crush but this thinking of mine took a drastic change.

I lived in a quiet neighborhood but the people were really good towards each other. The most ideal neighborhood I had ever seen in my life. Our next-door neighbor Mrs. Jenner had shifted back to their village after the death of her husband Mr. Jenner so the house that they lived in was empty. One day while returning back home from school I heard my mom’s voice coming from Mrs. Jenner’s house so I went there and my mom introduced me to the new neighbors. The Scott family, they were a family of four, Mr. Scott and Mrs. Scott and their 4-year-old daughter Oliva, and their son Oliver who was the same age as me. They were one of the sweetest people and were welcoming. While my mom and Mrs. Scott were talking a small cute little girl from a distance came running towards us shouting mom and behind her came a tall, handsome guy with blue eyes and a well-maintained body. The moment I saw him coming from a distance I got this weird feeling inside me, I was confused as I had never felt this way before. I started feeling butterflies in my stomach. But before I could talk to him I heard my dad calling me from our house so I had to excuse myself and go back home. I wanted to talk to him but I was too nervous. The whole night I could not sleep and caught myself blushing every time I thought of him. When I took a look at my clock it was 2am but I needed to talk to my mom before I could get up and go to her room. She came inside my room and asked why I was overjoyed after I had come from the neighbor’s house. I told her everything and asked what that feeling was about and why it happened all of sudden. She replied that I might have a crush on him. And told me everything she knew about the new boy. I was excited to know that I had a crush but decided to keep it a secret with my friends. The next morning when I went downstairs for breakfast my mom told me that she wanted to invite the Scott family for dinner on Friday night and asked me to go invite them for dinner as I was going to their place I got a feeling that my mom might have only called them for dinner just because I could talk with the new kid. When I reached their house I rang the doorbell and heard a small girl’s voice saying “I will open the door, I will open the door” so she was the one to open the door, when I asked her for her mother she went inside and told her mother “The pretty neighbor that Oliver likes is here.” I was shocked but happy too and probably looked like a tomato because I started blushing so hard but who would not. Soon after Mrs. Scott came to the door and I pretended like I knew nothing and invited them for dinner and excused myself and rushed back home. I went to my mother and told her everything, she too was excited about it (Every time I mentioned a boy she always got excited). I went to school happily and while walking through the lobby I crashed into someone when I saw who it was. It gave me chills all over my body, it was Oliver. I got up and ran from there and never gave him a chance to talk. I was sitting alone in a cafeteria because my friends were busy gossiping about boys and this was the time my friends were okay if I was alone. I saw Oliver coming towards me and I pretended like I did not see him. He came near me and asked if the seats were taken and I replied no so he sat down there. I got butterflies all over my body again. Oliver apologized for crashing into me and I too apologized to him. It was awkward. When he was about to talk to me my friends called me and I was thankful for them and I left. Friday evening I was helping my mom cook dinner when she asked me to go and get dressed. By the time I got ready, they were already at my house. I went downstairs but I could not see Oliver there. I was sad so I greeted the guest and called my mom inside the kitchen and asked where Oliver was when she said that he could be here any minute now and left the kitchen. The moment she left the kitchen the doorbell rang and my mom asked me to open the door so I opened it. There he was dressed in a black shirt and black pants which made him look really handsome. When he saw me he asked me “Aren’t you the girl I crashed with the other day?’’ but I replied in sarcasm and said “No she is my twin sister.'' We both laughed and he came inside. My mom asked me to take Oliva to our garden and Oliver joined us too where we played hide and seek and every time Oliva won. We were all sitting down when Oliver asked me “By the way what is your name?” and I replied “Anna”. But I did not ask him his name but I knew he expected me to ask. He himself introduced him to me. We were just randomly chatting about school and other random things when my mom called for dinner. We went and ate. After that they left, I was really happy knowing how much of a sweet guy he truly was. I obviously told my mom about it but she did not seem that happy and when I asked her what was wrong she replied that she was tired. I knew something was off but I decided to let her sleep. From that day whenever I mentioned Oliver my mom seemed off so I stopped telling her about him. Mr. and Mrs. Scott asked me and Oliver to babysit Oliva which also helped  Oliver and me to get really close and we became inseparable best friends who did everything together. People even started shipping us but we both always denied it but  I started developing more and more feelings for him but never confessed to him. It was my 18th birthday and my mom had organized a big party for me. In front of everyone, I decided to confess my feelings for Oliver. After cutting the cake we were dancing when I suddenly took the mic and announced “Hello everyone thank you for coming and today I stand here to announce something in front of everyone that I have hidden for the past 6 months. I am here to confess my feelings for someone who I truly loved, Oliver.” He came in front of me and said “ I am sorry Anna. I never have thought about you more than best friends. I know you have liked me from the first day you saw me but I would never like you more than best friends because I have a girlfriend.” I was completely shattered and heartbroken after all those months when I asked him if he had a girlfriend but he always replied no, so this broke me. If I even once mentioned his girlfriend I would have held myself to not falling for him anymore. I also had heard him telling his friend that he liked me. The reason I was sure that he liked me was that he mentioned that she goes to the same school we go to and her name is Anna and I was the only girl named Anna in our school. Just before confessing to him, I talked with his family about everything and they made sure that he liked me back. I ran to my room, locked my door and went to take a shower because it always healed me. I went to school the next day and thankfully everyone pretended as if nothing happened. I avoided Oliver at all costs. My mom again invited the Scott family for dinner and I was not bothered because Mrs. Scott and my mom were best friends. I did not want Oliver to come but he came throughout the dinner. He tried talking to me but I never gave him the chance to.

The next morning was Saturday and I woke up to my mom saying goodbyes and wishing a safe journey to someone. When I went to see who she was talking to I saw a big Uhaul truck in front of Oliver’s house. I started tearing up but went to ask my mom what was happening when she said that they were moving to somewhere else. She always knew that they would move after 6 months and that’s the reason she always replied coldly whenever I talked about Oliver. I asked where Oliver was and ran up to him and hugged him really tightly but he did not hug me back. He was confused and asked why I was hugging him when I hated him and I told him “Okay then I will go” and when I was about to get away from him, he hugged me back. He tried to explain the reasons for his action but I stopped him. And before I knew he was inside his uber ready to leave. I was thankful that I found out really and got a chance to talk to him for the last time. This was the last time I was with him but I have never been able to forgive him till today. I miss him till today. I crave the best friend I have. The times I spent with him and the memories we made.

He just came into my life and suddenly disappeared when I needed him. This part of my life taught me to never be angry at someone for a longer period of time and always forgive and listen to their side of the story too.