
Student Corner

My Childhood

Written by: Sadagi Koirala - 31026, Grade IV

Posted on: 09 September, 2022

I was born on October 21st, 2012 at Sinamangal hospital in Kathmandu. The day I was born was a special day because it was my mother’s and the doctor who was in charge of delivery's birthday too. My childhood was really fun and memorable, and even though I got some wounds during the time when I was in Taplejung, I fell from the bar and there became a wound in my nose. In the same way, when I was 5 or 6, I broke my leg when I was getting down from the bathroom. The leg was twisted. I was completely resting at the time, so I missed school as well.So there was one more interesting thing that I did when I was in Chitwan. Because of my father’s work, I used to go to the temple every morning. I used to cry a lot if nobody took me to the temple. In Taplejung, I saw snow for the first time. That was the happiest and most exciting moment. When I visited Pathivara temple, some of the brothers carrying me turned me around because I was small. When I was little, I used to play with stones, and those brothers also joined me to play with stones, my mother told me. After changing two schools, I joined Deerwalk Sifal School. I made lots of friends here, like my best friend Ridika.
This is all about my happiest childhood life, which is still going on.